Dear Members,
Notice is hereby given that Old Brentwood Rugby Football Club will be holding its Annual General Meeting on the 18th June 2024, starting at 7pm at the Old Brentwoods Clubhouse.
All fully paid up members are requested to attend and vote on the matters before the membership and discuss the committee's vision for the coming year.
Any member wishing to be considered for a position on the committee should contact the club secretary ahead of the meeting (Mark Elliott -
1. Apologies for absence
2. Opening remarks from the Club Chairman
3. To receive the minutes of the last AGM and consider matters arising
4. Το:
a) Consider the Finance Report and to approve the Accounts for the accounting year 1st June 2023 to
31st May 2024. b) To fix the level of Subscriptions the playing members and the Patrons for the Season 2024/2025.
5. To elect for the Season 2024/2025 the Executive Committee members:
a) President:
b) Chairman; c) Secretary:
d) Youth Chair
e) Treasurer
f) Other Officers and/or members of the committee
g) Team Captain and Vice Captains
h) Disciplinary Committee
1) Re-elects VPS
6. President and Chairmans review of the current year and will outline their vision for the coming year
7. The Society of Old Brentwoods representative will outline the society plans for the coming year
8. To
a) Consider any other business; and
b) Receive suggestions to be considered by the Committee.